When I enter into the studio space, I open myself and I enter into centering prayer and invite the Divine.  I am here as a whole, vulnerable, open, surrendering, and becoming a child, allowing the spirit to move through me and create.

-Jes Waters

Walking Through Worlds

In 2021, the artist contracted a severe COVID 19 infection. During her quarantine and recovery, 12 Crows watched over her on the burn outside her window. At the same time, she experienced the devastating loss of her partner. The Crow in Anishinaabe tradition, are messengers between worlds.

The 2D piece was created using Boro (mending tattered cloth) stitched quilted cloth and distressed surface treatments. Crows and energy bubbles were added with ink. The center square is a textile, fiber and found objects collage containing a small piece of drift wood marked with pyrography and multiple textiles. The artist is depicted in the fiber medallion moving between the liminal and tangible space.

For the artist, her intense experience with loss— loss of breath, relationship, and diagnosis of a terminal lung condition that has since been miraculously healed, was the inspiration for the work and accompanying sound.

Walking Through Worlds

I classify my work as Neo-Remodernized Motion Graphic Fine Art and Musical Composition It blends elements of Remodernism with traditional fine art media art work, motion graphics and sound composition, likely through digital and multimedia means. By this, my work consists of

  1. Neo-Remodernized

    • A contemporary evolution of Remodernism, which sought to bring sincerity, spiritual depth, and emotional authenticity back into art as a response to the detachment of postmodernism.

    • It involves using modern tools and techniques (such as traditional media, digital art and animation) while keeping the expressive, spiritual, and emotional core of Remodernist art.

  2. Motion Graphic Fine Art

    • Motion graphics refers to animated visual art that combines design, movement, and often sound to create an immersive experience.

    • When integrated with fine art, it is an approach that emphasizes aesthetic beauty, personal expression, and artistic intent rather than purely commercial or entertainment-based animation.

    • This includes animated paintings and traditional artwork, digital collages, generative art, contemplative animations, and video-based experiential art.

  3. Sound Composition

    • The inclusion of original music and sound composition within the artwork, whether in static form or moving sequences.

    • A Neo-Remodernist approach emphasizes organic, meditative, or intuitive composition, allowing the piece to evolve naturally rather than adhering to strict design or composition rules.

My work includes:

  • Digitally animated Remodernist paintings and traditional 2D mixed media fiber, collage, photography works that explore emotional and spiritual themes.

  • Meditative motion graphics that incorporate slow movements, contemplative design, original music and sound and interactive elements deepening the emotional experience and spiritual component of the work.

  • Experimental video art that follows the principles of Neo-Remodernism—spiritual, deeply personal, and evocative rather than commercial or conceptual.

  • Mixed-media works that blend traditional fine art with digital animation, sound healing, and immersive experiences.

Channels & Portals

Click the sound player below to experience this work. Earbuds recommended.

A representation of different energies experienced as the artist goes through life and spiritual changes. Circles represent portals and planets, moving through doorways that lead to personal and spiritual growth, evolution, finding her new place in the world. The stitched lines vertical lines, channels, are the varying speeds of the energy of experiences impacting the transitions. For the artist, her sudden experience with cancer and the process of realization of “cancer was a blessing”, revealing spiritual truths in Divine Intervention, healing grief, letting go and sacred timing, highly impacted the development of this piece.

Fiber Art and Stitch Meditation by Jes Waters

Interdisciplinary Media Video and Audio by Jes Waters

Coming back to Source in deep listening and centering prayer, I become part of creation and the materials and composition become part of my body and then we are in communion together, in Triune. 

-Jes Waters

Sacred invocation and valiant hearts still exist in the Spirit World.


Valiant Heart

An Angel of Protection participates in the invocation blessing from the Creator. The Created from:

Original Watercolor Painting and Digital Art, 2022.

Original Sound to accompany the work, Valiant Heart 2022.

Fine Art Motion Graphic Video work, 2025.

All work created and completed by the artist, Jes Waters.

Original Watercolor Painting with Motion Graphics by Jes Waters

Interdisciplinary Media Video and Audio by Jes Waters

When I create art I’m in communion with the spirit world.

-Jes Waters

Observe The Wonders- Original Composition and Video by Jes Waters

Video meditation composed by Jes Waters from her album Sounds of Rumi.