Combining originally composed music, visual art and motion graphics to express spiritual experiences between worlds.

Channels & Portals, 2025

When your world gets turned upside down, a lot of magical things can happen in very strange ways. A representation of different energies experienced as the artist goes through life and spiritual changes. Circles represent portals and planets, moving through doorways that lead to personal and spiritual growth, evolution, finding her new place in the world. The stitched lines vertical lines, channels, are the varying speeds of the energy of experiences impacting the transitions. For the artist, her sudden experience with cancer and the process of realization of “cancer was a blessing”, revealing spiritual truths in Divine Intervention, healing grief, letting go and sacred timing, highly impacted the development of this piece.

Moving Meditation 1: Where My Heart Resides invites the viewer to be in active participation in meditation. To slow down, exhale, focus on awareness and noticing. The viewer is challenged by the artist to find the different movement paths in her watercolor painting that have been activated through motion graphics and notice tempo changes in both movement and sound.

Valiant Heart, 2025

The Great Mother gives invocation to a warrior angel. The blessings of her energy are seen throughout the different moving structures in the video. Art, graphics, video and music by the artist, Jes Waters.

Individual Fine Art Motions

The fine art motion graphics below do not have compositions with them and are stand alone movement pieces reflecting the energetic motion of the Universe.

Vascular Alchemy, 2025

The original watercolor, ink and fiber collage was created during the Parade of Hearts process in 2024 meant to capture the flow of energetic alchemy that was experienced in this massive act of creation in the city wide project. The original 2D piece, framed, is available.

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Textile Collage with Found Objects 5x5.

Fine Art Motion Graphic Video shows the movement of healing energy flowing through beads representing the four elements of healing. The mesh that flows with motion graphics represents the great web of the world.

Healing Spiral, 2025

Original textile collage with beadwork mounted on boro stitched 5 inch square. The media process added energetic pathways and the fire of passion burning from upper center.

Original textile collage available.

Burning Heart, 2025


Music Composition